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Education and Culture DG This project (519132-LLP-1-2011-1-DE-KA3-KA3MP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

WP6 Outcomes

Below, interim results and deliverables can be downloaded:

Course Plan


Input 2

Input 3

Input 4

Developing Training and Counselling Units for Personnel

Course space for the e-phase

The VITA training aims at enabling participants to use the VITA validation approach and promotes an exchange of good practice on validation of informal learning among participants.

Course contents:

  • Theory: Informal learning, learning theory, competence development, definitions and terms (pre-course phase or in presence)
  • Validation of learning outcomes: Current developments in Europe
  • Evidencing development of key competences and social and personal competences for the service economy
  • The LEVEL 5 system; demonstrated with hypothetical LLP cases and real cases of participants
  • Evaluation (self and course)
  • Assessment methods (delivered separately)

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand basic definitions and learning approaches
  • Differentiate different competence dimensions
  • Understand and apply the concept of key competences
  • Understand the EU strategy and instruments to validate formal learning (EQF, ECVET, ECTS, EUROPASS) and of validation of informal learning
  • Know strengths and weaknesses of different validation approaches
  • Understand the added value of LEVEL5 to EU validation systems
  • Be able to apply the different steps of LEVEL5
  • Be able to apply different self-assessment methods
  • Be able to apply the LEVEL5 quality criteria and to evaluate other projects’/persons’ reference systems
  • Understand and use the LEVEL5 software


  • Blended Learning with pre-phase for those interested with a synchronous online meeting, f2f course (2 days) and a post phase (networking)

VITA courses

A training course on how to use LEVEL5 was delivered to the VITA partners in May 2012. The course aimed at raising awareness for the topic of evidencing and validating SPOC and enabled VITA partners to apply the methodology utilising the developed general or refined reference system in their projects and collaborative learning contexts. The methodology how to assess service-related SPOC has been in the focus of the VITA training course.

In addition, course modules on VITA/LEVEL5 were delivered in the framework of an IST-course on self-evaluation. It was partly modified through the combination with the SEALLL course about self assessment in lifelong learning. The corresponding SEALLLEVEL5 course was delivered to eight experts from six countries in autumn 2012. Here the course content was condensed to a 2-day course and, according to the course feed-back, worked very well.

Finally the approach was also promoted in shorter workshops of a duration of two to four hours. This happened in special learning events e.g. in Italy and the UK involving both learners and trainers of a course on customer relationship management and in the UK for partners of a knowledge alliance project. During the course the participants learnt about the LEVEL5 system in general and developed own reference systems on service-related competences.